Date: 01 July – 31 October 2024(Complete the race within this period)
【Virtual Race】
Route: Lion Rock Peak -> MacLehose Trail Section 5 -> Reunification Pavilion Lion Rock Country Park -> Amah Rock -> Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area
Distance: 3.1km
Time Limit: 1hour
Altitude loss: 414m
Start Point: Lion Rock Peak
Finish Point: Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area
Registration Fee: Phoenix【Physical Race】$199
Lion【Virtual Race】 $170
2 Races $350


Record Upload:

Please go to the following website to upload your records:
The format can be a GPX file (recommended), or a screenshot recorded by a running watch or running APP.



Each participant can get a vest


Each participant can get the stainless steel camping cup as a gift

Route Map

Download file: lion.gpx